
Are you looking for resources, education or recommendations for therapies for a traumatic brain injury or brain injury? Feel free to take a look at some of the institutions I’ve worked with on my journey to healing. 

Plasticity Centers

“If you’ve had a brain injury or you or your child have experienced challenges since birth, there are several ways your body reacts – both emotionally and physically. Experiencing any or all of these reactions can leave you feeling at a loss when considering how to take the next step to recovery.”

ABI Wellness

“When it comes to cognitive rehabilitation and enhancement, the ability to serve more people more effectively is critical. That’s why we’ve developed our proprietary Brain Enhance and Recovery System (BEARS), a solution that is grounded in research and gets results. Whether you’re a prospective patient or a healthcare provider, discover how BEARS can make a difference for you today.”

Brain Bio

“Brain Bio utilizes an assessment platform that provides direct measurements and objective information about brain function. The testing uses a multi-modality EEG device, an FDA-approved brain scan, measuring brain speed, voltage, and reaction time with incredible design/data collection using EEG, ERP, and more. Brain Bio uses state-of-the-art technology to provide Fast, Objective EEG/P300 Readings, a highly reliable way to test brain health and performance.”

Aspen Integrative Medicine

“Led by Dr. John C. Hughes, D.O., our Colorado family practice Aspen Integrative Medicine treats patients from Aspen, Vail, Denver, Grand Junction, Boulder, and beyond with the latest evidence-based innovations in modern, alternative, and functional medical care.”